Non Diet Perimenopause Coach

Redesigning your relationship
with food during midlife.

Did you know body dissatisfaction and disordered eating increases during perimenopause? 

I’m here to change that. 


There’s so much diet culture BS marketing targeted to women in perimenopause.

We were raised on Slim Fast, Sackwell’s and Seventeen magazine…

“Heroin chic supermodel” was the idealized body type for us as teenagers.

So if your teenage years were influenced in this way, when your body starts changing in perimenopause, it can feel extremely vulnerable and makes a lot of sense that it would kick up old behaviors of dieting and body image challenges. 

All of the health plans you tried in the past to feel good about your body— gym memberships, rigid food rules, the supplements—didn’t work because they don’t consider one very important thing...the role that diet culture and patriarchy play in your relationship with food + body.

A non diet and feminist approach to food and body image gets to the root cause of your relationship with your body instead of temporarily dieting in a way that’s not sustainable. 

I’m here to share a whole new approach to health with you. 


The Peaceful Eating Program

Transform your relationship with food from confusing to clear

For the woman in perimenopause who is ready to stop constantly tracking food and ready to be liberated from diet culture. Because hopping from one plan to another only creates more frustration and burn out, and you’re over the food rules. 

Enter: The Peaceful Eating Program—your personalized intuitive eating experience for midlife. 


It’s a 4 month program. 

16 weekly 1:1 coaching sessions (50 minutes)

Price: 4 monthly payments of $450, $1800 investment total


 Show me the way



  • Let go of diet culture thinking of your 20’s and 30’s and step into the freedom of being an intuitive eater in midlife

  • Stop worrying about your “meno belly” and start feeling great about your TODAY body

  • Spend time on things that really light you up instead of macros, points and calories

  • Get rid of dieting and rigid food rules forever

  • Experience a relationship with food that feels nourishing and empowering for the rest of your life


Are you next?


“I learned SO much during our coaching about myself, my body, the patriarchy, the BS that is diet culture…

Kate supported me as I moved out of depression, evangelicalism, and lots of self-hatred rooted in the patriarchy and diet culture.

Her coaching was instrumental in who I am today.”

- Dani Abernathy

